Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tan, Deneise, Reynaud, AndOthers "Is Love Passion an Addictive Disorder?"

Name: Deneise Tan
Item Title: Is Love Passion an Addictive Disorder?
Author: Michel Reynaud, Lauren Karila, Lisa Blecha and Amine Benyamina 
Publisher: The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Date: 2010
Note: When I requested for a scholarly journal, I was expecting a binder with different journals written by different authors. I was also expecting to search through all of the journals to find the one I requested for. Well instead of getting a binder I got this, a PDF attachment. I had to ask Mr. Carlson if I can use this because I was expecting a hard copy and I had a feeling he wanted hard copies for this assignment. 
For my first attempt, I tried to request a scholarly journal from the library for this class, but I don't think it went through, so I requested for another. I requested for the "Is Love Passion an Addictive Disorder?" journal, however, it is not related to our class. This other journal is for another class, where my class discussed different types of addictions. Being curious, I googled "types of addictions" and this was one of the more interesting addictions. I wanted to now more about it so I decided to get this journal. 

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